Produkty dla do silników (10137)

Fibrostuck: Wypełniacz klejowy zbrojony włóknem, do wypełniania szczelin i pęknięć

Fibrostuck: Wypełniacz klejowy zbrojony włóknem, do wypełniania szczelin i pęknięć

Fibrostuck Adhesive filler, white in colour, for grouting and filling cracks and fissures and small imperfections on plasters and external walls, also in combination with Sanaxil Filler. Fibrostuck is specifically formulated for filling, for the regularisation and the levelling of different types of surfaces: concrete, mineral and cement plasters, wood, etc.; it is ready-to-use and must be remixed, slowly, only upon its application. The three-dimensional reinforcement of nylon fibres provides different levels of finishing and weaving; it can be recoated directly, without resorting to fixatives or insulation materials; it allows the construction of perfect bases for the subsequent application of finishing products. Reclamation of the degenerative condition (cracks and discontinuities) of external walls, prior to the finishing operations, painting, etc. The surfaces should be clean and free of any dirt, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". The cracks to be grouted should be preliminarily opened, cleaned, brushed and dedusted; where necessary they should also be treated with the fixative Protech Fix AC. Work by spreading the product with a spatula or steel trowel, grouting or skimming with one or many coats, until achieving the correct filling and/or levelling. Avoid applying in conditions of rain and high humidity, which could compromise proper drying with consequent possibility of runoff that may continue for several days. Approximately 1.75 kg of Fibrostuck for each cubic decimetre of volume to be grouted (approximately 1750 kg per cubic metre). Packaging: 5 kg bucket UM: €/kg


It is hydraulic system oil that is formulated with highly well refined para nic base oils and AW corrosion preventive additives. It is intended to be used with the purpose of load carrying in industrial load transmission systems and in hydraulic equipment of heavy earth movers.
Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Vigneux sur Seine (91270) - Interwencja Ogrzewania w Vigneux sur Seine

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Vigneux sur Seine (91270) - Interwencja Ogrzewania w Vigneux sur Seine

L'excellence des services de chauffage est désormais à portée de main pour les habitants de Vigneux-sur-Seine (91270) et du département de l'Essonne (91). Grâce à l'entreprise Les Bons Artisans, bénéficiez de solutions de chauffage fiables et durables. Cette offre de service s'étend également à Draveil (91210) et Montgeron (91230), des villes voisines. Nos chauffagistes professionnels effectuent principalement deux types de missions. La première consiste à effectuer la maintenance régulière de vos équipements de chauffage, pour prévenir toute panne et assurer un fonctionnement optimal. La deuxième mission est la réparation urgente de votre système de chauffage en cas de dysfonctionnement, pour vous permettre de retrouver rapidement votre confort thermique. Avec Les Bons Artisans, vous bénéficiez d'une réactivité sans égale. Nos équipes peuvent intervenir en moins de deux heures partout dans l'Essonne.
Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Pontcarré (77135) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Pontcarré (77135) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Parce qu’urgence de plomberie n’est jamais prévue et qu’elle peut rapidement gâcher une journée, notre entreprise de plomberie en fait sa priorité à Pontcarré (77135) et ses alentours. En effet, notre équipe de plombiers chauffagistes est disponible 7/7, 24/24 pour prendre en charge vos problème de plomberie et de chauffage. En cas de panne qui vous empêche de mener à bien vos tâches du quotidien, nous intervenons en une heure à votre domicile suivant votre appel au 06 44 60 31 00. Quand une urgence de plomberie nous tombe dessus (panne de chauffage, fuite d’eau, évier bouché…), il est parfois difficile de trouver un professionnel en qui nous pouvons avoir totalement confiance. Vous pouvez confier vos panne de plomberie à nos artisans les yeux fermés ! Ils accordent également une attention particulière au respect des normes en vigueur dans le cadre des dépannages des équipements de plomberie et chauffage. Nous sommes aussi très stricts quant
Kompozyty Ceramiczne PEEK - Doskonałość Inżynieryjna w Trudnych Wyzwaniach.

Kompozyty Ceramiczne PEEK - Doskonałość Inżynieryjna w Trudnych Wyzwaniach.

PEEK Ceramic Composites Elevate your applications with our PEEK ceramic composite. This advanced material combines the exceptional properties of PEEK with the added strength and durability of ceramic. Experience enhanced mechanical performance and wear resistance, making it the perfect choice for demanding industrial solutions. Choose PEEK filled with ceramic for precision and resilience in extreme conditions. Composition:20 or 30% Glass Fiber + PEEK Temperature:Heat Resistance Mechanical:High Strength Chemical:Great Resistance
Zamiatarka 1250 - Wywrotki - DUMPER

Zamiatarka 1250 - Wywrotki - DUMPER

Balayeuse 1250 - TOMBEREAUX - DUMPER Poids total:252 kg Poids de chargement maximal:400 kg Système de basculement:Hydraulique Angle de basculement:95° Vitesse:6 km/h Rayon:1 m Capacité d'escalade:20°
MITSUBSHI-Miedziany radiator - ADA

MITSUBSHI-Miedziany radiator - ADA

MITSUBSHI - FUSO CANTER - Bakır Radyatör-Copper Radiator.
INOX Usuwacz Plam IX 500

INOX Usuwacz Plam IX 500

INOX STAIN REMOVER IX 500 is a fast and effective stain remover and removes stains from oils, greases, drinks, tars and many other types effortlessly and without leaving any residues. It is recommended for use on textiles, vehicle interiors, carpets and many other surfaces.
Inżynieria Precyzyjna

Inżynieria Precyzyjna

Hochwertiges Equipment, beste Maschinen sowie unsere kompetenten Mitarbeiter sichern Ihnen die Qualität zu, die Sie von uns erwarten. Dabei sind wir seit jeher ein feinmechanischer Betrieb und bieten kleinste Teile ab Stückzahl 1 an. Von klein bis groß immer vorne mit dabei Ursprünglich ist die Feinmechanik aus der Uhrenherstellung hervorgegangen. Wir fertigen Feinmechanische Komponenten und Teile ab Stückzahl 1 für Sie. Hierbei lösen wir auch knifflige Ausgaben schnell und qualitativ hochwertig zu einem vernünftigen Preis.
Fizyka Budowli i Świadectwo Energetyczne

Fizyka Budowli i Świadectwo Energetyczne

Bauphsikalische Erarbeitung von Sanierungsvarianten Bauteilprüfung und Thermografiebefund Energieausweise für Wohnegebäude und Nichtwohngebäude Wir erarbeiten Sanierungskonzepte unter Ausschöpfung förderrechtlichen Möglichkeiten und erörtern die Varianten des im Einzelfall idealen erneuerbaren Heizsystems inklusive der Möglichkeiten hinsichtlich hauseigener Energiegewinnung durch Photovoltaik.


Issu(e) d’une formation Bac+5 idéalement en école d’ingénieurs, tu as une première expérience significative sur des missions similaires ; Tu maîtrises les logiciels Mensura , Piste ou Civil 3D. Selon ton profil, tes compétences et la mission qui te sera confiée, tu pourras être en charge de Réaliser des tracés routiers, axes en plan, profils et métrés ainsi que des calculs d’assainissement ; Établir d’une liste de livrables ; Suivre de la production (de la conception jusqu’au livrables) ; Faire le suivi de la qualité ; Rédiger de notes techniques et de fiches méthodes ; Participer aux réunions de revue de projet.
Projekty od A do Z - Projekty architektoniczne i inżynieryjne typu turn-key

Projekty od A do Z - Projekty architektoniczne i inżynieryjne typu turn-key

Our team’s multidisciplinary backgrounds and versatility allows a thorough view of the project and its development, with the underlying architectural and engineering knowledge to ensure in-house management.
Badanie i projektowanie sieci HVAC - Badania cieczy

Badanie i projektowanie sieci HVAC - Badania cieczy

Studis Ingenierie s’occupe du lot CVC / Plomberie. C’est un ensemble de domaines techniques qui s’appliquent à tous les types de bâtiments tels que logements collectifs, logements individuels, bâtiments tertiaires, bâtiments d'enseignement, bâtiments industriels et bâtiments de santé. Notre objectif est d’assurer aux utilisateurs des conditions d’hygiène et de sécurité respectant la réglementation ainsi qu’un certain niveau de confort. Nos études fluides sont l’étude et la conception des réseaux CVC (chauffage, ventilation et climatisation). Tout d'abord, la production des plans d’avant projets, ensuite l’étude d’exécution et la production des plans en phase EXE, enfin le diagnostic et l’expertise. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour un éventuel projet. Notre bureau d'études vous propose des solutions avantageuses pour vos réseaux de chauffage, ventilation et climatisation pour une efficacité énergétique maximisée.
Prace spawalnicze i budowlane aż po złożone konstrukcje w inżynierii maszyn, instalacji i urządzeń

Prace spawalnicze i budowlane aż po złożone konstrukcje w inżynierii maszyn, instalacji i urządzeń

alpin fertigt hochwertige Aluminium- , Stahl- und Edelstahlgehäuse. Basierend auf Standardlösungen entstehen kostengünstig kundenspezifische Lösungen oder industriespezifische Komplettangebote für z. B. Maschinenverkleidungen und –gestelle.
Budownictwo stalowe

Budownictwo stalowe

Schlanke Konstruktionen, elegante Lösungen und grosse Spannweiten – die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sind mit Stahl fast unendlich, sowie kosteneffizient und flexibel umsetzbar. Als Gesamtlösung entstehen Hallen und Fassaden für Produktions- und Verwaltungsgebäude. Dazu gehören neben Fenstern, Türen und Toren sogar Kranschienen für Hallenkräne. Von der Ausschreibung über die Planung bis zur Produktion und Montage begleitet unser Team das Projekt, auf Wunsch auch bis zur schlüsselfertigen Übergabe.
Fender - Prefabrykowane elementy z tworzyw sztucznych do ochrony budowli portowych i śluz oraz brzegów

Fender - Prefabrykowane elementy z tworzyw sztucznych do ochrony budowli portowych i śluz oraz brzegów

Kunststoff-Fertigteile aus unserem Hause werden bereits seit vielen Jahren durch Kunden im Bereich Stahlwasserbau erfolgreich eingesetzt, beispielsweise zum Schutz von Hafen- und Schleusenbauanlagen sowie Ufern. Als Werkstoff wird vor allem ISO-LEN® WBS (WBS –WasserBauSondertyp) verarbeitet, welches speziell für diesen Einsatzzweck entwickelt wurde und durch seine Langlebigkeit und Kosteneffizienz besticht. Basiswerkstoff für ISO-LEN® WBS ist ein ultrahochmolekulares Niederdruck-Polythethylen (PE-UHMW). ISO-LEN® wurde beispielsweise in den Schleusentoren in Wilhelmshaven und Münster, im Projekt Oosterscheldekering in den Niederlanden sowie in zahlreichen Bauvorhaben im Nord-Ostsee-Kanal verbaut.
Naturalne Pozycjonowanie (SEO)

Naturalne Pozycjonowanie (SEO)

Le référencement naturel est une stratégie incontournable pour améliorer la visibilité de votre site sur les moteurs de recherche et obtenir du trafic qualifié.
Wyszukiwarka części ze złomu - Tusrecambios najlepsza wyszukiwarka używanych części

Wyszukiwarka części ze złomu - Tusrecambios najlepsza wyszukiwarka używanych części

Tusrecambios venta de piezas usadas vehiculos nuevos y usados coches,maquinas excabadoras,tractores,motos, asociese a la plataforma tusrecambios
Pemtron 3D THT AOI

Pemtron 3D THT AOI

Trough Hole 3D AOI System - Bottom Side Head
Budowa maszyn specjalnych

Budowa maszyn specjalnych

Stand- Alone sowie verkettete Lösungen für: Verpackung, Individualisierung, Produktkennzeichnung, Dichtprüfung, Logistik und Antriebe, Prüfanlagen, Montageanlagen, Reinigungsanlagen
Sterowanie Kolejowe dla Systemów Oś

Sterowanie Kolejowe dla Systemów Oś

CNC Achsportalsteuerung für diverse Antriebssysteme. Ein fertiges System dass nur mit wenig Aufwand auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst wird.
Gniazdo Lampy Solnej z Białym Kablem E14, Luźne

Gniazdo Lampy Solnej z Białym Kablem E14, Luźne

Lampenfassung mit Scheibe, Spannfeder, Schalter und 1,68m Kabel als Stromzufuhr für Salzlampen. Komplett mit Eurostecker und Wippschalter. Diese bis 25 Watt belastbare Lampenfassung ist mit Scheibe, Spannfeder, Schalter und 1,68m Kabel die ideale Stromzufuhr für Salzlampen. Komplett mit Eurostecker und Wippschalter. Anschluss: Eurostecker Eingangsspannung AC: 230V Belastbarkeit: max. 25W Farbe: weiß Typ: H03VVH2-F2x0,75 Länge: 1,68m/168cm Verpackung: lose (unverpackt)
Maszyna do Nawijania Filamentu - Typ 2

Maszyna do Nawijania Filamentu - Typ 2

•Product development and small-scale production •Small footprint •Enables direct transfer of process parameters to automated capabilities •Highest precision and winding quality
ELEKTRYCZNY LIFT FOIL SURF €13.000 (wysyłka nie jest wliczona) - SPRZEDAŻ i WSPIERANIE

ELEKTRYCZNY LIFT FOIL SURF €13.000 (wysyłka nie jest wliczona) - SPRZEDAŻ i WSPIERANIE

SURF ELETTRICO LIFT FOIL Siamo orgogliosi di offrire il LIFT FOIL a motore Elettrico la prima qualità al mondo 40 km/H SOPRA L'ACQUA Questo Surf aliscafo elettrico per volare su qualsiasi specchio d'acqua, senza necessità di vento, onde o rimorchio IN PRONTA CONSEGNA Prenota la tua prova! Tel .338.6440072
Intonet M25: Włóknisty tynk do renowacji strukturalnych i tynkowania

Intonet M25: Włóknisty tynk do renowacji strukturalnych i tynkowania

Intonet M25 Plaster, premixed, fibre-reinforced, based on hydraulic binders with a low content of soluble salts, for reinforced plastering, bedding of bricks, plastering, repair and covering of internal and external walls and masonry, repair of concrete elements. Intonet M25 is a fibre-reinforced premix with READYMESH PM technology, made up of hydraulic binders, siliceous aggregates, special additives and microsilicas with high pozzolanic activity. These microsilicas, with very fine particle size, increase the mechanical performance of the plaster and have very positive effects on its durability, preventing the development of unwanted reactions between the hydraulic binders and the saline compounds which are usually present in the masonry (sulphates), or come from particularly aggressive exposure environments (chlorides, nitrates). The particular balance between breathability, absorption, mechanical performance, durability, resistance to chemical attacks makes the use of INTONET M25 particularly recommended for restoration and reinforcement operations of brick, stone or mixed walls. Intosana does not contain resins, solvents or radio-emissive aggregates. For thicknesses exceeding 20 mm it is advisable to improve the anti-cracking ability by inserting a suitable fiberglass plaster-holder mesh from the ARMAGLASS line. Mechanical parameters after immersion for 180 days in water saturated with: a) calcium sulphate, b) magnesium sulphate, c) sodium chloride = variations ± 3%. Plastering, repair and reinforcement of brick, stone or mixed walls, both externally and internally. Reinforced plastering combined with reinforcement mesh and connectors from the ARMAGLASS line. Mortar for bedding and unsewing operations on walls. Filling of joints, cracks and lesions on walls. Restoration and repair of reinforced concrete elements. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and inconsistent parts, dust, etc., suitably roughened and saturated with water until reaching the "saturated dry surface" condition. In walls to be plastered with the CRM technique it is always advisable to carry out a deep skiving of the joints, which will constitute the support base for a tenacious adhesion of the plaster to the masonry. Concrete surfaces must always be properly treated until a degree of roughening > 5 mm is obtained and freed from dust by pressure washing. Pour approximately 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer and gradually add INTONET M25 and the remaining water necessary, continuing mixing until a homogeneous mixture, free of lumps, of the desired consistency is obtained. The approximately necessary mixing water is equal to 15-16% by weight (3.75-4 liters per 25 kg bag). The application can be carried out using manual methods (trowel, trowel) or mechanical spray methods. Protect fresh surfaces from direct sunlight, rain and wind, ensure prolonged humid maturing. It is advisable to apply the plaster after applying an adequate adhesion render. The render can be made with INTONET M25 with a plastic-fluid consistency or by applying the specific UNTERSANA product. Both must be applied in a "sprizzo" ("sbruffatura") and must create a rough, corrugated surface, suitable for facilitating the adhesion of the subsequent plaster, which must be applied within 2-3 days. Approximately 19 kg/m² of INTONET M25 for each centimeter of thickness to be created (approximately 1900 kg for each cubic meter). Packaging: 25 kg bag Unit of Measure: €/kg
Fluid Hydro: Wodoodporny dodatek do betonu, tynków i zapraw

Fluid Hydro: Wodoodporny dodatek do betonu, tynków i zapraw

Fluid Hydro Fluid Hydro is a special aqueous emulsion additivated with white water-repellent products consisting of active components with an alkyl-silane base. The main characteristic is the property of reducing water permeability in concretes, plasters and mortars both due to the capillarity and lashings of water. Fluid Hydro exerts a water-repellent action as the water-repellent particles disperse evenly during the mixing phase of the conglomerate. The action of Fluid Hydro is not affected over time given that the individual particles are insoluble in water and durable in aggressive environments (alkaline, sulphatic water, chlorinated water). Fluid Hydro is recommended in the production of concrete and mortar to reduce water permeability. In plasters or mortars, it is mainly used for outdoor purposes as it greatly reduces the phenomenon of efflorescence and the biological proliferation of mould and moss. Fluid Hydro is suitable for all types of concretes, plasters and mortars, used individually or in combination with other Azichem products, to be added separately. Dispersing the product in the water of the mixture before going into the mixer is recommended. Fluid Hydro is dosed at about 0.5% of the weight of the binder. In any case, it is advisable to create test mixtures to establish the ideal Fluid Hydro dosage. Fluid Hydro should be stored at temperatures above 5° C and mixed before use. Given the water-repellent characteristics conferred to the mass of the mixture, it is not recommended to use for prestressed works. From 0.1 to 1.0 kilogram of Fluid Hydro every 100 kilograms of hydraulic binder present in the mixture (cement and/or hydraulic lime); an average of 350–500 grams to achieve good water repellency. Dilute 1:10 with water for use as a surface treatment of porous supports. The dosage varies according to the porosity of the substrate. The solution must be applied in 2 - 3 "coats" to obtain the best effect. Packaging: 10 kg canister Unit of Measure: €/kg
Fluid spritz AF: Aditivo acelerador de endurecimento livre de álcalis para concreto projetado

Fluid spritz AF: Aditivo acelerador de endurecimento livre de álcalis para concreto projetado

Fluid spritz AF Alkali-free mineral reactivity solution to be used to accelerate sprayed concrete and shotcrete, in the consolidation of rocks outdoors and/or in tunnels, in the construction of self-sustaining and waterproofing coatings of tunnels, canals, vaults, basins, underground works, etc., to be used both dry and wet directly in the mix design of the concrete to be sprayed. Fluid Spritz AF is a widely-used accelerant characterised by ease-of-use and variability in dosing according to the specific needs of the worksite, with a reduction in the number of coating layers to be applied and in the time needed to complete the carryovers, with less rebound waste and the option to operate even in cold temperatures. Packaging of sprayed mortars and concrete mixes including with specific equipment (shotcrete pumps, pumping machines) for hydrated mixtures in the consolidation of rocks outdoors and/or in tunnels, in the construction of coatings also with a load-bearing function, in tunnels, on posts, pilings, diaphragms, canals, vaults, basins, dams, and so on. For waterproofing below-ground works. Can be used in collaborative slabs, for the safety of buildings affected by earthquake. Fluid Spritz AF can be used wet directly in the concrete to be sprayed or can be placed ahead of time in a container of suitable capacity to be added directly to the spray lance. It is always advisable to carry out preliminary tests to determine the addition of the most suitable percentage of product. Use 8–10% of Fluid Spritz AF on the weight of cement present in the mixture to exude and according to the application conditions and type of concrete (range of use: between 8–10 kilograms per 100 kilogram of cement in the design mix). Packaging: 25 kg canister UM: €/kg
Armaglass Structura 66 : Monolityczny, wstępnie uformowany, siatka z włókna szklanego, siatka 66x66 mm

Armaglass Structura 66 : Monolityczny, wstępnie uformowany, siatka z włókna szklanego, siatka 66x66 mm

Armaglass Structura 66 Monolithic GFRP mesh made with glass yarn bars and pultruded epoxy resin. The bars are intertwined with each other through a stitching thread, using a unique technology that allows the formation of joints between the longitudinal and transverse bars with high mechanical resistance. The epoxy resin guarantees the mesh high dimensional stability, alkali resistance and improves the mechanical characteristics. The composite has large square meshes, the size of which is ideal for use with CRM mortars. Armaglass Structura 66 combines lightness and reduced thickness with excellent mechanical characteristics in the warp and weft. It resists atmospheric agents and aggressive environments, giving durability to the composite systems in which it is used. Suitable for any support and perfectly compatible with both cement-based and lime-based mortars. Advantages: Easy installation Lightness, reduced thicknesses High mechanical performance Durability Stainless Radiolucency Zero electrical conductivity. The Armaglass Structura 66 fiberglass mesh, combined with our lime-based mortars (Intosana, Unisan) or cementitious (REPAR line) and Armaglass Connector GFRP connectors, is used for the reinforcement of masonry and concrete structures through the reinforced plaster technique (CRM system: Composite Reinforced Mortar). The mesh is a component of our RINFOR SYSTEM systems, which also include GFRP corners, gussets and connectors. The mesh can also be used as reinforcement for collaborating caps, screeds, restorations with structural mortars on reinforced concrete structures (tunnel linings, port quays, pillars, piles, etc.), especially when located in aggressive environments (marine aerosols, salts de-icers etc.). To prepare the support, carefully follow what is indicated in the technical data sheets of the mortar with which the Armaglass Structura 66 mesh is combined. For CRM reinforced plastering interventions: Cutting the net Unroll to the required length and preliminarily cut the mesh with a cutting hose with a diamond blade or tinsmith's shears. During the unrolling and handling of the rolls of net, be careful not to damage the net. Application of the CRM System Removal of existing plaster or concrete cover and all deteriorated parts. Saturate the support with low pressure water, apply if necessary (due to the conditions of the masonry, the type of mortar used or the thickness of the reinforcement) a rough coat of mortar, manually or with a plastering machine and leave the surface unfinished. Place the Armaglass Structura 66 mesh on the surface of the masonry to be reinforced. At the overlaps, overlap the mesh bands by at least 15 cm. GFRP Armaglass Connectors, with improved adhesion and 8mm diameter, are used as connection elements of the reinforcement system. Before installation, mark their arrangement on the support beforehand. Use a rotary drill to make holes with a diameter of 12 mm to house the connector (if working on one side only, the hole must be pushed deep to at least 2/3 of the thickness of the wall). Before inserting the connector into the hole, position the Armaglass Grid 66 GFRP distribution gusset which will be blocked against the mesh during the grouting phase of the connector. Carry out a thorough cleaning of the hole and grout the connector with chemical anchor (Syntech Profix or Syntech Fix EP). Proceed with spraying or throwing the mortar, in one or more hands. The mortar will entirely cover the GFRP elements with a total thickness according to the design documents. In order to guarantee the structural continuity of the reinforcement system in correspondence with all corner areas (openings, etc.), apply Armaglass Corner 66 GFRP corner piece. In case of intervention on both faces, two connectors will be inserted, one long and one short (the relative lengths must be chosen according to the thickness of the masonry). Make the 12 mm through hole. At the face where the short connector will be inserted and where the two connectors will overlap, enlarge the hole until reaching a total diameter of the hole equal to approximately 22-24 mm. The overlap between the connectors must be at least 11 cm long. After drilling the holes, carefully clean them with compressed air and inject chemical anchor based on Syntech Fix EP epoxy resin. Before inserting the connectors into the holes, always position GFRP Armaglass Grid 66 distribution gussets which will be blocked against the mesh during the grouting phase of the connectors. Proceed with spraying or throwing the mortar, in one or more hands. The mortar will entirely cover the GFRP elements with a total thickness according to the design documents. During the mortar curing phase, protect it from thermal stress and conditions of strong evaporation. It is always advisable to cure the mortar in a humid environment for at least 48-72 hours. Packaging: Roll of 100 m2 UM: €/m2
Protech Flex: Uszczelniacz poliuretanowy w kartuszu o wysokim module elastyczności

Protech Flex: Uszczelniacz poliuretanowy w kartuszu o wysokim module elastyczności

Protech Flex gray A single-component, moisture-curing and fast-hardening polyurethane sealant with a medium-to-high modulus of elasticity, remaining permanently elastic yet with high surface hardness and being tear- and weather-resistance and paintable. Ideal for the deformable sealing of expansion joints on terraces and balconies, for filling joints on prefabricated walls and on wooden, steel, aluminium, copper and plastic materials along with plasters and so on. - Free from solvents, PVC, halogenated compounds, odourless. - Permanently elastic, high resistance to raging and to the atmosphere. - Free of shrinkage and dimensionally stable. - High thixotropy: it does not drip and does not create burrs. Easy workability. - It is not sticky and does not accumulate dust and dirt. - Over-paintable after polymerisation has been completed. The high versatility and excellent adhesion to different media make Protech Flex the most suitable adhesive sealant for flooring and roofing joints made of concrete, wood products, steel, stainless steel, aluminium, anodised aluminium, galvanized steel sheets, copper, plastics, etc. The application supports must be perfectly clean and dry, free from dust and soiling. Preliminarily treating the side walls of the joint with the appropriate primer single-component polyurethane Protech Flex Primer. It is appropriate to provide for inserting into the joint, whatever its nature, the specific foamed polyethylene kerb Filtene Fondogiunto, of the appropriate size to the joint to be sealed. Prepare an easily removable paper ribbon (coachbuilder ribbon type) on both sides of the joint, in order to prevent the sealant overflowing outside of the natural seating of the joint. Slowly and carefully extrude the sealant from the cartridge in the specially prepared seat of the joint, with the appropriate gun (of the type for silicone). Before the total hardening of the sealant, spread it to the brim with spatula on the surface of the joint. After hardening, remove the adhesive tape. Clean any product overflows from the seat of the joint with suitable solvents (like acetone or Nitro thinner). Indicative consumption with a 300 cc Protech Flex cartridge: 5x2,5 mm joint = 20 linear metres; 10x5 mm joint = 6 linear metres; 15x7,5 mm joint = 2,5 linear metres; 20x10 mm joint = 1.5 linear metres. Packaging: Cartridge of 300 cc UM: €/piece